11 Things to Know About Growing and Caring for Arrowhead Plant

By Mira Sidak | Updated on Apr 18, 2023

11 Things to Know About Growing and Caring for Arrowhead Plant

The Arrowhead Plant is an excellent container plant for shaded balcony gardens that receive little direct sunshine. It will grow best in an indoor garden if you have a southern exposure with good light (it will also not tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees). The hue of arrowhead leaf variants ranges from dark green to intensely variegated dark and light green, but each one always has that distinctive arrow shape. 

They receive their name from the fact that their leaves have an arrowhead shape. When arrowhead plants reach maturity, their leaves can transform from the traditional arrowhead shape to one with three to five "fingers." As they become older, they also start to vine. You can train these vines on a pole or trellis. Or, you can grow your arrowhead plant in a hanging basket so that as it gets older, the tendrils can start to hang down.

For more interest, cultivate the arrowhead plant separately or with other plants. If you want to cultivate the arrowhead plant in a hanging basket, it will start to vine as it grows older. It is also possible to train the plant on a pole or trellis to provide support for the plant.

How to Grow & Care for Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead plants (Syngonium podophyllum) are low-maintenance houseplants with lush leaves and cascading forms. The broad variety of hues and markings of their foliage may span up to one foot. Originally hailing from Latin America's tropical areas, they thrive in a setting which replicates their original habitat. Our guide will cover potting, soil, light, watering, feeding, pruning, and propagating Arrowhead plants at home.

1. Arrowhead Plant doesn’t like too much water

Although they do not appreciate moist soil, arrowhead plants adore humidity. Regularly water your plant, but make sure to wait between waterings to let the soil dry out. Too much moisture in the soil might cause the plant's roots to decay. It's time to water your plant if it starts to droop. Water your plant well, letting the water pass through the drainage hole at the bottom as it does so.

Make sure to increase your watering as the days grow longer or if the plant is moved to a location where it gets more light. Throughout the winter, on the other hand, water your arrowhead plant less.

2. Arrowhead Plant tolerate in a Hot & Cold Temperature

The ideal range for arrowhead plants is 60 to 75 degrees. They can, however, adapt to temperatures both colder and warmer.

They would prefer humid environments similar to the tropical rainforests of their home countries. They can thus be the ideal addition to a greenhouse or sunroom, where the warmth and humidity will encourage their growth.

If you reside in a dry climate, you can try misting the plant frequently, although this will only temporarily simulate a humid atmosphere. To boost its humidity, you might also set it in a jar filled with pebbles and water. Instead, think about investing in a tiny humidifier for the space where your plant is kept.

3. Arrowhead likes Medium to Bright Sunlight

The ideal lighting for your arrowhead plant is bright to medium. Though, if necessary, it can tolerate less light.

Like with most plants, the general rule with arrowheads is that they can tolerate more shade the darker their native foliage is. Direct sunshine, which can bleach and scorch the leaves, is not good for arrowhead plants.

You can always spend money on a grow lamp if your plant appears to need more light and you reside in a low-light location. They are reasonably priced and can replicate the sunlight your plant needs.

4. Arrowhead Plant Loves Humidity

It appeals to Arrowhead Plants. As I live in a dry area, I water the plant only when the leaf is moist; otherwise, it is placed in a saucer with water and small rocks. The rock prevents the roots from getting wet.

If your house is dry and you feel it needs it, you can also mist yours a few times a week. Just be careful that if the leaves are left damp for too long, this plant (which grows quite densely) may get bacterial leaf spots.

5. Good Soil is Vital to Growing Arrowhead Plant

Arrowheads perform well in a blend that drains smoothly and leans slightly acidic. Potting soil, perlite or pumice, together with potentially some compost or peat moss to add some organic matter and aid with moisture retention, make up an excellent soil mixture for arrowhead plants. Although they can handle a range of pH values from 5.0 to 7.0, arrowhead plants prefer a slightly acidic environment with a pH range of roughly 6.0 to 6.5.

6. Arrowhead Plant Propagation

When it comes to the plants you adore, houseplant propagation can be an extremely stressful undertaking. You may quickly clone your favorite arrowhead plants by following these four simple steps:

  1. Sphagnum moss and pumice should be combined with plenty of water. Always keep your potting mix wet.
  2. Any arrowhead plant's node may be found; use clean scissors to cut directly below the node.
  3. Wrap the Syngonium nodes in the previously combined damp sphagnum moss and pumice material.
  4. Put in a transparent container, then wait for the roots to develop.

7. Fertilize Arrowhead Plant for Good Growth

Once every two weeks during the spring, summer, and fall growing seasons, thin liquid fertilizers can be used (or 1:1 diluted general compost for indoor plants per month). Fertilizers should not be used in the winter or should only be applied once per month. Apply according to the packing guidelines. The arrowhead plant's growth will be hampered by a lack of soil nutrients.

8. Pruning

It is preferable to prune arrowhead plants in the spring and summer when they are actively growing. Pruning should only be done to remove diseased, withered, damaged, or infected leaves or stems during the winter hibernation period. Prune long or older climbing stems to encourage new sprouts to maintain the plant growing thick and plump.

9. Pests & Diseases

In its own right, the arrowhead plant is pest-resistant. Yet, living in a house with other plants can expose it to pests like scale, aphids, and mealybugsNeem oil or similar natural remedy should be used to your plant right away if you observe any of these issues.

One more plant disease that harms an arrowhead plant are bacterial root rot brought on by over watering and bacterial leaf spot disease, which results in brown spots with yellow borders on the leaves.

10. Potting

The best seasons for indoor plants for potting are spring and summer. Early fall is OK if you reside in a region with mild winters. In a nutshell, you should finish it at least 6 weeks before the onset of the winter months. In the winter, houseplants prefer not to be disturbed, and the warmer months are much better for the roots to establish themselves.

11. Toxicity For Children & Pets

Yes, it is toxic for humans and pets, so please keep it in an unreachable place for children and pets.

Why this Plant is Toxic: It contains calcium oxalate crystals that make them toxic.

Effect on Children & Pets: It causes skin irritation, stomach upset, burning of the mouth and vomiting.

Arrowhead plants are beautiful, low-maintenance plants. They can be made to climb a post or trellis. To keep them bushy, they can also be trimmed. They have attractive leaves that can be found in a variety of colors, including pink, silver, cream, and purple in addition to the usual numerous shades of green.

Water your arrowhead plant frequently, give it medium light, and promote humidity. All of these things will keep your arrowhead plant flourishing, happy, and healthy.